Ludwig Is a Bigwig for an Antentwig

In which Professor There-You-Are, Collector of Stars, goes on a three week mission to Mars, and leaves his great ape in charge. Here is a rough sketch of the *cover:
I'm pretty certain this will be book number two of English is Complicated and Nearly Impossible,
release date unknown. 
An "antentwig" is an archaic way of saying "3 weeks," as I learned from **Mike Pesca. 

*Yes, we are still using the dot matrix computer paper as scratch drawing paper! When will it end? Buying in bulk: it's cheap! You still have stuff when it's obsolete!

**Mike Pesca has a podcast called The Gist, which is funny and informative. He really has a way with words. Every antentwig, he admits to any erronious information he may have unwittingly given out on The Gist. I heard that word, "antentwig," and I fell in love. (With the word. No funny stuff.)

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