
First lambs of the season (we were pretty late, borrowing that black ram from Mo last fall. It was basically winter).

Both of them are rams with a little tuft of white on their heads. Sweeties with giant balls. One of them already rammed a full grown sheep! To no result, because the lamb was tiny and an hour old. Z named them Cole and Black Mamba. 

I used electric shears for the first time this spring, also borrowed from Mo (like the ram). Mama Chyoko was poorly shorn because the sheers flew apart while I was using them and I never sheared her neck! 

For those of you who follow sheep genealogy, Cole and Black Mamba are half brothers to Yoko of "Whoa Yoko!" fame, and to Candy Darling, whom Z is showing at the county fair with 4H Club.

We have four more sheep that we expect are expecting. 

1 comment:

  1. I have high expectations for the expecting sheep who are expecting, I expect.
    Didi you ever see "Lambert the Sheepish Lion"?
