Plastic Covered Furniture: Urban Legend?

Has anyone ever met anyone with actual plastic covered furniture? The idea of covering your furniture in plastic has been made fun of a lot in movies (Little Shop of Horrors, Fido, etc.) but I don't recall ever actually seeing it in real life. [This image I uploaded, though, is strangely reminiscent of a certain trailer in Hermosa...] I know that, when I was a little kid in San Francisco, lots of old people- including my grandparents- had plastic lamp shade covers. That was common. That's not what I mean, though. I mean, have you ever seen an actual couch, love seat, easy chair, or other living-room like furniture actually in a lived-in home, actually covered in a fitted plastic cover for the sake of style and/or cleanliness possibilities? Anyone? I anxiously await your comments.


  1. I've seen them in cars. I thought that Alvin and Amy had them on their living room furniture in SF, and removed them when we came to visit. Maybe I'm wrong, though.

  2. If they removed it, how did you know it was there?

    I know I got in trouble at there house once for, "getting sun block all over the Chesterfield" (by sitting on it:)).

  3. I just assumed, I guess. I mean, it would have been so in character for them...

  4. I remember lots of people having those plastic runners on their floors, to keep the carpet from getting worn down. I seem to remember someone having a plastic-covered couch, but I can't place it in my mind. I know I have sat on one before- I remember my legs sticking to it. But I do have quite a vivid (and odd) imagination.

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