I'm eating the cheese. It's good cheese. It still cost money, though, because the milk came from the supermarket.
He points out that we are large consumers of dairy. This, I have to admit, is true. The up side of having a dairy goat would be that the milk would not cost anything, just like the eggs don't cost anything.
We've already built a fence.
I'm worried that a goat might eat the fruit trees.
Also, oh, I don't know. It's a goat.
It's just a goat.
Am I prejudiced?
I've already got thirteen chickens, three turkeys, two indoor cats, one outdoor cat, three tropical fish, and one child to care for. (Actually, BAH takes care of the fish.) What's a goat, really?
And then BAH points out, "If we don't like having a goat, we can always just eat it!"
I have eaten goat at some local Indian restaurants. I'm not sure I could slaughter a goat, though. I am hesitant to get a goat.

Update: BAH took care of the chickens and turkeys this evening, so it is not always up to me. And a fine job he did.