The Arts Are Alive and Well

So, my friend, Julie, is trying to put her baby down for a nap in the middle of the afternoon, around 3 o'clock, on a snowy day last week, while the kids at the nearby middle school (where I briefly taught chorus) are getting out of school. She lives a few houses down from the school, so every day a slew of kids walks by about this time. It's snowing like crazy out, a near blizzard, and Julie hears some sort of noise coming from outside. Annoyed, (she's trying to get her kid to sleep) she looks out her window and (to her surprise) sees a middle school boy, standing in front of her house, playing a tuba in the snowstorm.

A tuba.

Julie considers this. She decides it's just too ludicrous to say anything.

1 comment:

  1. I thought things like that only happened in Minnesota!
