More Cats!

Little Z named them: Bodkay is the orange one, Tigery is the grey.

We went shopping for a cat tree to put in front of the window today, and they were over $100. Our general sentiment was,

"Hey, that's just a bunch of wood and carpet and feathers hanging off of it! We've got wood and old carpet and chicken feathers at home, so let's just make one!" Except for Little Z- she wanted to buy one, of course.

It took me about two hours to make a cat tree. It's as nice as the $129 model at the store. I didn't have to purchase any materials. It's all leftover from other projects or recycled or garbage. The chicken feathers seem to be the cats' favorite part of the thing. Here are some more pictures of cats:


  1. What an excellent tree. My cats are only interested in scratching the sofa and climbing the bookshelves, so I've given up.
