Things that make you go, "hm..."

I was just out hanging my nifty new LED Christmas lights. A gentle snow was falling. I wanted to get them hung before it accumulated. Across the street, my neighbor was making a racket, mowing his lawn, turning white to green in neat twenty-two inch strips as the lawnmower bag filled with snow. I've never seen anyone mow snow before.


  1. I can't say I have ever seen anyone mowing snow either...a definite hmm!

  2. It's been a while since I lived in Pittsburgh, but I definitely do not remember my dad ever using a mower on the snow. That sounds like something you'd see here in NC when we get our bi-annual dusting of flurries.

  3. LED christmas lights - that is quite cool. I shall have to tell hubby. We lived in WI when we were first married and somewhat astounded at all the Christmas decorating going on the week before Halloween - and then nobody turned anything on until Dec 1st and by then there was SO MUCH SNOW and it was Freezing and it suddenly made sense ;-)
    and the neighbor... hmmm...

  4. What a retard. Oh, sorry, I meant dumbass.
