Vampires and Robots

Christina has a great blog over at Vampires and Robots, where she recently told a hilarious and entertaining zombie story. (My favorite chapter was the one about the Craigslist ads during the zombie apocalypse.) I have been fiddling around with graphic design and asked her if I could redo her title for her. This is what I came up with:

Then I noticed that she has a subtitle, too, so I added that here:

Feedback? Christina? I can change the size to fit your blog. Maybe.


  1. I love that the keys look like teeth. Very fitting! If you send me the pic I'll check to see how it fits. Should be fine though. Thank you again!

  2. I'm so glad you saw the teeth! I at first drew lips, but it seemed like overkill.

  3. I'm very curious about the background. It looks like there's a story in there somewhere.

  4. It's a Victorian picture of a one-man band. He has all of these mechanical contraptions to play many instruments at once. I was thinking that vampires are almost immortal, so something old would be good to contrast with the letter keys, but also the mechanicalness makes the one man band contraption like a precursor to a robot. Now we have drum machines, for instance. Then, it didn't look freaky enough, so I figured out how to double expose it with a photo of a pink flowered curtain in my living room, to give it this sort of whispy, ghostly quality and make it seem spooky. It was only after I posted it here that I noticed the placement of the hat, off to the right. It's funny, because half of the animals I draw or do collages of, I put a hat just like that on them. It's like he killed the money bunny, and left the hat there. Or the dinosaur.
